Ep. 42 The Education of Cyrus, Book II

C&C 42 Cyrus the Great.jpg

Shilo Brooks returns to continue our exploration of Xenophon's The Education of Cyrus. We discuss Book II, where Cyrus goes to war against the Assyrians, and we try to tease out what fundamentals of warfare Cyrus discovers versus what he's taught by the Persians.

Shilo Brooks returns to continue our exploration of Xenophon's "The Education of Cyrus" Book II where Cyrus goes to war against the Assyrians and we try to tease out what fundamentals of warfare Cyrus discovers versus what he's taught by the Persians.


Ep. 43 Pierre Manent’s “The Metamorphoses of the City”


Ep. 41 The Education of Cyrus, Book I