Ep. 74 Homer's "Iliad" Book 16

In this book, Achilles comes upon the crying Patroclus, and pities and chides him.  Then Patroclus puts on Achilles' armor, joins the fight, is stunned by Apollo, and killed by Hector.  Brian, Shilo and Jeff ask why Achilles lets Patroclus join the fight wearing Achilles' armor, when Achilles himself says he is ready to return to battle?  We explore Achilles' thinking: what is it like to be far superior to everyone around you?  Does Achilles want everyone around him, Greek or Trojan, dead -- except Patroclus?  We learn why Plato's Socrates warns against identifying with Achilles' wrath, and how superior human beings dangerously test their friends.


Ep. 75 Homer's "Iliad" Book 17


Ep. 73 Homer's "Iliad" Book 15