Ep. 55 Xenophon's "Anabasis" Book 5

The rebels have arrived at the Black Sea, but through betrayal and bad decisions, things go awry.....

Xenophon leads an expedition for provisions, but the ships they are waiting for don't show up. We flash forward to Xenophon the writer, who's bought some land in exile and wants to build a temple to Artemis. Xenophon toys with the idea of founding a city where the army is camped - who knows if he was serious or if this was some weird diplomatic move. More bickering and playing the blame game continue until Xenophon gives a speech and the army is (apparently) purified.

Our opening question is: when an army doesn't have an enemy, do they fight themselves?


Ep. 56 Xenophon's "Anabasis" Book 6


Ep. 54 Xenophon's "Anabasis" Book 4